
We offer a unique portfolio of vaccines including conventional, recombinant and novel vaccines. We continue to make targeted investments in the research and development of novel vaccines – the most recent being the development of recombinant vaccine against COVID19.


Highly similar to originator biologic agents, Biosimilars are less expensive than their prohibitively expensive originators. They are a boon in the treatment of chronic and terminal illnesses. We’re enabling the local development of a biosimilars portfolio and making them accessible from around the world.

Blood products

Blood products play a significant role in the management of certain diseases as is evidenced from the use of convalescent plasma for treatment Covid19. Our blood plasma products portfolio includes cellular contents and immunoglobulins.

Oncology products

New advancements in vaccinology have led to the development of therapeutic vaccines that can be successfully used in the treatment of certain cancers. Our access to these technologies though our global references will allow us to manufacture and deploy these vaccines for use in Turkey.

Antisera, Antitoxins and Antivenoms

Our Antisera portfolio includes immunoglobulins with prophylactic or therapeutic action to neutralise the effects of exposure to diseases caused by specific microorganisms, as well as antitoxins to proactively combat infections.

As prophylactic approach plays a vital role so does therapeutic means to tackle serious infections. KeyTech-Bio Pharma blends this product basket with Antisera containing specific immunoglobulin.

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